貓貓保姆明白到每一隻貓貓都有牠的特別之處。 不過對於一些有行為問題的貓貓,其實也有方法助您簡單地改善這些問題,讓人貓相處更融洽。

貓貓保姆會每月在這裡跟大家分享一些解決貓貓頑皮行為的小貼士。假如您有任何有關貓貓的問題想發問,可直接電郵到 catsitterhk@gmail.com 我們會很樂意幫助您解答。

答:這是我們最常聽到會讓貓主感到懊惱的問題。跟人類一樣,貓貓擁有很準確的生理時鐘, 不需要鬧鐘也可以知道時間。不過人類因太依賴鬧鐘報時,久而久之引至我們的生理時鐘也生銹了。貓貓是很準時的。而且,貓是夜行性動物,所以會於日間作息,晚上才出動守獵。有別於野貓,家貓不需要打獵便會有主人每天餵飼。亦正因為貓貓是夜行性動物,所以牠們天性習慣於黎明前守獵完畢,並把戰利品吃下才進睡。幸好,這個問題是可以輕易解決的。家貓是很有習慣性的,所以只要貓主能夠每天定時定刻送上食物,並長期養成貓貓有此習慣,您便可以有覺安睡了!



1.) 如貓貓每天早上5點鐘便會跳上您的身上或者不停地舔您叫您起床餵牠,千萬不可以縱容貓貓這些行為。如果您純綷因為想牠停止踏您舔您而給牠食物, 那代表您已默許了這種行為是正確的,並讓牠知道如果下次同樣地跳上您身上或者不停地舔你的話便會有食物了。從此以後,牠每天都會重複這些動作,習以為常,最終不堪設想。所以,在任何情況下都不可以縱容貓貓這些行為!



無論如何,千萬不可以讓步! 如果您有一天破例5點起床餵牠早餐,即使您之前一個星期多努力也會前功盡廢。往後, 您可能需要雙倍時間才能訓練到您的貓貓。這是一場考貓主耐性及決心的長期戰役。重點是您的決心必須勝過您的貓貓。

我知道一定會有貓主亳不介意一大清早爬起床餵貓貓吃早餐。 我並不是說這是一件壞事情。只是,對於一些朝九晚九的上班族來說,必定很想睡得多一點吧!希望以上資料能幫到大家,並祝各位成功!

答:這是新貓主常有的煩惱之一。有很多貓主已經接受了「貓貓一定會抓沙發」為改變不了的事實而准許貓貓繼續抓沙發。其實,這個問題是可以解決的。不過貓主先要接受貓貓抓東西是一種本能的需要,只是不一定需要抓沙發而已。首先,貓主一定要明白到貓需要抓東西的兩個主要的原因:1) 貓需要磨爪。野貓沒有人幫助牠們修剪指甲,所以野貓會常常抓樹幹。如果你家裡有貓抓樹,你可能會發現貓趾甲的碎片佈滿在貓抓樹旁的地上。2) 有很多動物行為學家也同意貓抓東西的原因是為了與其他動物溝通。貓抓東西的同時也會留下一些痕跡讓其他動物知道牠的存在。此外,在貓掌上有一種特別的氣味腺。當貓抓東西時會釋放一種獨特的氣味並附在物件上,就像人類把指紋印上觸摸過的物件一樣。而因貓貓能識別自己的氣味,所以便會常常回到同一個地方抓同一件物件。說真的,貓貓喜歡抓東西是因為牠們喜愛伸展運動吧!


1.) 與其讓貓貓抓壞你的沙發,倒不如給貓貓找些沙發的替代品好讓牠抓個夠吧! 你要提供牠一個或多個適當的貓抓樹。在市場上買到的貓抓樹,大多數都是不夠高的。短的貓抓樹並不是合適的替代品。最好當貓貓抓時,牠的身體能夠完全伸展到最長,像伸懶腰時一樣。如果貓抓樹太短,貓貓有可能會繼續抓沙發因為通常沙發的高度是剛剛好的。還有,當你的貓貓使用貓抓樹時,一個好的貓抓樹是不會搖擺的。

2.) 貓抓樹的位置是很重要的。如果你的貓貓喜歡抓客廳內的沙發而你卻把貓抓樹放在睡房內,貓貓一定會繼續到客廳抓沙發因為牠已經習慣了在客廳磨爪。我們建議你把貓抓樹放在沙發旁邊。另外,我們亦建議你在貓貓常睡覺的房內多放置一個貓抓樹,方便睡醒時喜歡抓抓東西、伸展一下的貓貓。不要忘記,當貓抓東西時會釋放一種獨特的氣味並附在物件上,並能識別自己的氣味而常常回到同一個地方抓同一件物件。在市場上有些產品能幫你覆蓋這些氣味以更正磨爪行為。

3.) 請不要用武力強迫你的貓貓在貓抓樹磨爪。請不要忘記貓貓抓東西不是牠的錯。如果牠抓沙發時你打牠,貓貓可能會對你有反感。如果牠抓沙發時你想牠停止,你可以嘗試大聲拍手,讓牠的注意力轉移。或者你可以嘗試將硬幣放入一個空的汽水罐內,然後扔向貓貓附近。這些方法是想嚇走貓貓,讓牠不會繼續抓沙發。你也可以嘗試用雙面膠紙貼在貓貓抓沙發的範圍上。因貓貓不喜歡雙面膠紙黏貼的感覺,經過一段時間牠便會討厭在沙發磨爪了。

4.) 鼓勵你的貓貓用貓抓樹吧。你可以嘗試用你自已的手抓貓抓樹,一般情況下貓貓會跟隨主人一起做。你也可以嘗試吊一些你貓貓喜歡的玩具在貓抓樹上。這像會觸發牠抓貓抓樹的意慾。當貓貓多次抓貓抓樹後,貓抓樹便自然沾滿牠的氣味。此後,你會發現牠會經常返回這個貓抓樹磨爪了。要培養到良好的磨爪習慣,最好還是在貓貓年幼的時候開始吧!



1.) 貓沙盤的清潔。

2.) 共用貓沙盤。

3.) 貓沙的種類。

4.) 貓沙盤的位置。

5.) 貓沙盤的種類。

6.) 健康問題
If you see other signs of sickness together with a sudden stop of usage of the litter box, it might be signs of a serious illness with your cat. Please bring your cat to your veternarian as soon as possible!


Good Luck.


1.) 窗口
許多貓在香港死於意外地跳出窗外,從 20樓墜落。這聽起來不可思議,但是我自已聽過太多這樣的可怕和悲慘的故事。我相信你知道貓貓是多麼興奮,當他們看到一隻小鳥飛過你的窗台。如果你決定要打開窗口,你要安裝窗網這樣窗口仍可以打開,以保持足夠的空氣流進屋內。

2.) 植物和花卉
Many plants and flowers are toxic to cats so you must beware what kind of plants you leave in your home. I am sure you know how much cats like to munch on leaves. There are particular plants that are safe for cats. A list of those could be found here -> ASPCA Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List

3.) 家用清潔產品

4.) 小物品



In Part 1 of this 2 part series, we have discussed how to adequately cat proof your house to ensure a safe living environment for your beloved feline. In this month’s Part 2 tips, we will look at how to engage and exercise your indoor cat. Humans domesticated its first feline more than 9,000 years ago. However, innately they are still hunters and they still have their hunter instinct inside them. There are many toys that could actively engage your cat to bring out the wild side in your cat.

Wand and fishing pole type toys are the most commonly found in many pet shops but some are better built than others. Cats also like feathers that mimic birds and cats would find most feather wand toys irresistible. Some breed of cats love to dribble with balls and especially ping pong balls where they could play alone endlessly. It is also important to note that some toys such as fishing pole toys must be put away out of reach of your cat because it is not safe for cats to play with them alone. Some cats love to chew on strings and they could choke and suffocate.

I think it is important to get a tall cat tree at home so the cat could stretch/scratch and jump around even when they are home alone. If space allows, the cat tree should be placed beside a window so the cat could look out the window and enjoy the sunshine. Cats love to sunbath and they love looking at birds flying by. Remember to install window screens/nets so your cat cannot accidentally fall out the window trying to catch a flying bird.

It is important to spend time playing with your cat so they do not feel so bored and start to play with things they should not play with at home. Also, it would be a good opportunity for you and your cat to bond and have a fun time together.

Below is a list of toys and products that my cat, Bailey, loves to play with: (Please send us an email if you want to know where to get these toys in Hong Kong)
• Da Bird Fishing Pole Toy (Remember to store it away in a cabinet or safe place after playing with your cat or it will be in pieces the next day)
• PURRfect Crinkle Bouncer Feather Wand Toy (The most robust feather wand toy. It is very difficult to be destroyed by your cat)
• Ping Pong Ball
• Laser Pointer
• Fancy Laser Pointer for cats (If you are lazy)
Some toys could be homemade easily. Simple things such as a piece of crinkle paper or a piece of string could be used as a toy and many cats love to play with them. However, remember that some of these toys such as stings must only be played under your supervision.

A happy indoor cat is one that lives in a safe environment and exercises daily.

Learning to read cat’s body language can be quite a challenge for new cat owners or long time dog owners. For dogs, we know that the more vigorously they wiggle their tails, the happier they are. However, this is actually the complete opposite for cats. Cats’ tail paints a thousand words. By studying a cat’s tail and its position, we could know pretty much how the cat is feeling at that particular moment. Another area of focus is the position of the ears. We can tell if the cat is frighten or not by looking at its ears. Of course, like humans, we sometimes have to look at the whole body to tell you exactly what they are feeling or planning to do. Then there are the personalities of each cat. All cats could communicate with their eyes and facial expression as well. Take time and study your cat’s body language and expression. In time, you will understand your own cat’s special way in telling you how they are feeling and what they want and need.

For more detailed information try these websites:

CatStuff: Tail Talk
Your Cat Body Language

Can you tell what Bailey wants in this photo?

Why is water so important to cats? Without enough water in their diet, cats could become dehydrated and in severe cases could lead to death. Not having enough water in their system could lead diseases and illnesses such as urinary tract problems, bladder and/or kidney problems. Therefore, cats must have enough water in their diet or they must drink enough water on their own.

How do I know if my cat is dehydrated? A simple test is to pinch the skin together on the back of your cat’s neck so that it tents up and hold the skin together for a few seconds and release. If the cat’s body is not dehydrated, the skin should snap back quickly to its normal position. If it returns slowly to its normal position then it is a sign that your cat is dehydrated. If you think your cat is dehydrated, visit the veterinarian office as soon as possible and hand feed your cat water using a syringe.

Cats are not driven to drink by thirst as much as dogs are. That is why cat’s sometimes do not drink enough on their own which makes water content in our cat’s daily diet more important. Normally, cat’s prey in the wild contains approximately 70% – 75% water. Dry foods only contain 7% to 10% water and canned foods contain approximately 78% water. In terms of water content, canned food provides more resemblance to cat’s natural prey in the wild.

Choosing between dry or canned food or a mixture of both is a decision that you as a cat owner needs to make. If your cat is not drinking enough water on their own and is on a dry food diet only, it is highly recommended that you switch to a canned food diet or a mixture of both.

Other than water content, many cat owners would argue that even premium dry food contain many ingredients that are not suitable for a cat’s diet. A brief consultation with your veterinarian would give you a better understanding of the importance of water in a cat’s diet and the choice between canned food and dry food.

It does not matter if you are feeding your cat dry food or canned food, it is still important that your cat drinks enough water on its own. Many cats like to drink from a facet or from a cup. From your observation, you must decide how to entice your cat to drink more water. Many cats like flowing water and there are many drinking water fountain in the market that many cats like to drink from. My cat, Bailey, likes to drink really cold water so I will add a couple of ice in its water bowl. The floating of ice cubes on a bowl of water also attracts some cats to drink from the bowl.

Another common question that was asked is about the use of tap water or bottled/boiled water. This website could shed some light into the quality of tap water in Hong Kong. The issue is usually not the water but the piping in your building. Hong Kong Water Supplies Department – Water Quality

A list of different kinds of water fountains:


This is not an easy answer to solve because cats are territorial animals. Even feral cats would usually not travel out of their territory. When you take a house cat outside of their home, you are essentially taking them out of their comfort zone. They do not know what to expect. They do not know if they will be safe outside their home.

The best way to minimize their distress is to take them out regularly at a young age. Take them out for a car ride even when you are not going to the vet. Let the cat get accustomed to going out. In Hong Kong, most likely the only time a cat would go out of the house would be going to the vet. This is not that easy for some cats because they are not only scared to venture out of their comfort zone but they could associate going out with seeing the vet. Although, the vet would do nothing to harm your cat, not every cat would enjoy a vet clinic visit. This is the same for humans! Some of us do not really like to see the doctor or get a shot! It is important at an early age to break the negative association of going out of the house.

There are products in the market that target this problem. One of these is the Sleepypod which acts both as a cat bed and a cat carrier. The idea behind this product is to make the cat used to the cat carrier on a daily basis. If the cat uses the Sleepypod to sleep in daily, he will not have any negative association with the carrier. When you take your cat outside the house, the Sleeplypod acts as a cat carrier. The idea is to minimize the stress that the cat will take if he is traveling in his bed. However, the cat will still be stressed in the new environment. The product hopefully will reduce this stress a little bit.

Another way it to put blankets and other object/toys that your cat uses daily in your cat carrier. These will most likely be covered with your cat’s scent which will decrease your cat’s stress level. Products like Feliway could also be used to help cats in these stressful situation.Of course, when you are going on vacation or on a business trip, the best way is to keep your cats in their comfort zone and territory so finding a good Cat Sitter is always a good idea.

First of all, I do not recommend feeding table food to our cats. Cat food contains specific nutrition needs for cats that regular food cannot provide (e.g. Taurine). It is also a bad habit to get into because it might deter your cat from eating their own food. It is different if you feed your cat a specific diet of cooked food or even raw food but supplements might needed to be added to these diets. However, this article is not about feeding your cat raw food. For more information visit: Feeding Raw Diet.

List of food that you definitely should not feed to your cat or leave them out on the kitchen counter or anywhere your cat might have access to:

  • Milk: In many cartoons, we always see cats enjoy drinking from a bowl of milk. In reality, many cats are lactose-intolerant. The lactose in the milk will produce stomach upset and cramps for your cat.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate should never be feed to cats and dogs. Chocolate is made of cacao tree which contains theobromine which is toxic to cats and dogs. Caffeine in the chocolate is also toxic. It acts as a Central Nervous System stimulant, cardiovascular stimulant and will increase blood pressure and induce nausea and vomiting.
  • Green Tomatoes and Green Raw Potatoes: These family of plants contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine which can cause severe lower gastrointestinal symptoms. The leaves and stems are very toxic.
  • Onion/Garlic: Onion contain a substance which destroys red blood cells in cat. Garlic have a lessor amount.
  • Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and Raisins are found to be toxic to dogs and might be for cats as well.

This is just a reminder that many things in the kitchen that you might leave out are toxic to your cats. Cats could easily jump on top on your kitchen counter; therefore, remember to place these food inside your cabinet or a sealed container preventing access from your cats.

It is our responsibility to maintain a safe environment for our cats to live in!